Saturday, November 8, 2008

Green Race 2008!

The Green River Race has been held every year on the first saturday of November since 1996. The race brings huge crowds of spectators and more than 100 paddlers who blast their way down the steepest part of the Green River Narrows.  In spite of the  very low (and sketchy) water level Green Race 2008 was still huge event and brought over 100 paddlers and was, as always, a totally bomber weekend! Three of the Four Gnarnia Boys made out: Ryan Dekay, Myself (Mac), and Alex Bantley... 

Ryan Dekay had blazing time of 5:07 in his RED Green Boat

AlEX BRANTLEY! is 17 year old baller from Atlanta, GA That fired up Gorilla for his 4th time...during the race....

( Thanks to Seth Richardson and Clay Lucas for the photos) 

My race was not as good as I'd hoped but that does not matter because a had a ton of fun being out there on the river with everybody and cleaning sunshine left ended pretty much perfect day...

Many thanks go out to EVERYONE who helped set up/sponsor the race without your support and planning such an awesome event could never happen.  Also thanks to everyone who bought a Green Key membership your contribution to the Green River Access is much fund appreciated.  All the Gnar Boys hope to attended many Green Races after this one so keep up the good work.....good lines everyone...peace....

Mac M. 

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